7 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Content

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Publishing consistently high-quality content is a massive job. Additionally, you can’t always be overflowing with inspiration and motivation to write or make captivating material you will post. Whether it’s a blog or social media account, it isn’t easy to keep your platform fresh and active at all times. Luckily, there is a fantastic way to save yourself some time and effort – why not repurpose your content?

There are many different ways to repurpose old content, but it’s essential to understand what repurposing is and why it is beneficial before you can do that.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing or content recycling essentially means reusing your old content or some of its elements and trying to increase its reach. Content that you want to repurpose can be used as-is or transformed into:

The point of content recycling is to drive more traffic and attract more attention to the material you have already created. If you have a video or a blog post that had incredible reach once you posted it but got buried under all the new stuff you made, you may want to pull it out of your sleeve as an ace when your inspiration runs dry, or you lack time to create something new.

Moreover, while posting new content is fantastic for your online presence, and a great way to build an audience or attract clients, your old high-quality and relevant materials deserve to be brought back to the spotlight from time to time.

Why Is It Beneficial To Repurpose Your Content?

Content repurposing saves time and gives you an opportunity to boost reach for your old posts.

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Publishing new content regularly on your website or social media platforms is essential for:

  1. Increasing traffic
  2. Driving engagement

Both of these improve your bottom line. However, if you don’t have a team of content creators, producing new materials can take enormous amounts of your time and energy. Additionally, you can’t always be full of ideas and creative force to come up with something engaging.

If you are pressed for time or short of ideas, you can always fall back on content repurposing. Use whatever you have created so far that has attracted a lot of attention and adapt it for a different platform. 

You can enjoy several benefits from this:

  • Give your old content a new life
  • Revive interest in posts that performed poorly once first published
  • Strengthen your message
  • Reach new audiences on different channels
  • Engage with an existing audience in new ways, such as:

Furthermore, when you repurpose your content, you get an opportunity to appeal or users who have different needs and preferences. Turning text into audio is an excellent example. It’s a way to reach visually impaired individuals or people who have reading problems. Also, infographics and similar visual materials are quickly and easily digestible posts for those who have no time to read a complete article. Finally, not everyone likes reading long-winded articles. Some people prefer video or audio content.

So, take advantage of this option and save yourself some time and effort while enjoying numerous benefits. However, be careful to repurpose your old content wisely. You can’t simply repost the same old stuff.

How To Repurpose Your Content Effectively?

The reason why you want to repurpose your content is to boost your website traffic, increase engagement, and reach different audiences.

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Some of the most effective content repurposing strategies worth exploring include:

  1. Combining your blogs into an e-book
  2. Turning a blog series into an email campaign
  3. Turning your materials into a video
  4. Creating checklists for how-to and step-by-step guides
  5. Creating quizzes for poorly-performing posts
  6. Gathering popular user comments into an FAQ page or article
  7. Making a slide deck

Combine your blog posts into an e-book or audiobook

If you have a lot of articles that explore a specific topic, you can put them all together and create an e-book that will compile all the research you have done in a single place. 

The main reason why turning your content into an e-book is an excellent idea is that not every person will be interested in reading every single article you have written on a particular topic. However, if they have an option to download one document containing everything they need to know, it creates an excellent opportunity for your content to be shared and downloaded again.

Moreover, people love free stuff, so compiling all of your articles on a specific topic and treating a comprehensive guide available to download completely free of charge will certainly raise interest in your website content.

But, don’t forget to include a catchy and visible call-to-action button informing your visitors that they can download a copy of this guide. Also, promote your e-book on all your social media channels to reach more audiences. You can even self-publish your work on platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Finally, creating an e-book is a great opportunity for you to be recognised as an expert in your niche. But, keep in mind that you can’t just gather all the articles together and call them an e-book. You have to tweak them a little. For instance, you will have to ensure consistency in tone and remove repetitions.

And if you want to reach even more people, you can turn your e-book into an audiobook. This option will require more work, and it comes with a price tag. You will need to obtain professional recording equipment and software or hire a professional voice actor. But the returns will be incredible.

Turn a Blog Series Into an Email Campaign

Email marketing is alive and well even after so many years of dominance. It is a way to reach and address your audience directly.

And since you are already busy creating content for your website and social media, why spend more time creating fresh material for email campaigns. If you already have a series of posts on a particular topic, you can adapt them and convert them into an email campaign.

All you will have to do is make your articles shorter and focus on all the main punchlines. 

Turn Your Textual Content Into Video Materials

Videos are the most popular form of content, so it’s wise to turn your long article into shorter videos.

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Video is currently one of the most popular forms of content, and its popularity is only growing. It’s the most effective way to present your brand, whether you create:

  • Sales videos
  • Storytelling ads
  • Explainers
  • Short social media posts (reels)

Video also allows you to create compelling content easily, and the results can be fantastic. If you conclude a vision on your landing page, you can increase your conversions by as much as 80%. Statistics also show that 64% of consumers are more likely to make purchases after seeing a video on social media.

Furthermore, you help your audiences understand your products or services better when you post videos. Statistically, 72% of consumers prefer learning about products or services through a video to any other form of content.

Create Checklists for How-To and Step-By-Step Guides

Adding value is all the rage online. That’s how you reach top positions in SERP. Checklists and other printable materials can be your way to the top. These are particularly handy if you have some lengthy step-by-step tutorials. You can easily create them using tools such as Canva. Even the free version is enough to make something attractive.

You can do it in three simple steps:

  1. Choose a template you like and fits with your brand aesthetics
  2. Customise the template using your existing content
  3. Download printable PDF document

You can then share this document with your audience via email or include it in your blog posts.

Create Quizzes To Give Your Poorly-Performing Content a Second Chance

One of the clever ways to repurpose your content and revive interest in your old posts is to create quizzes. These can help you increase your engagement because people love doing them. 

You can create them for practically any topic. If you were writing about the best hotels in a particular city, tourist attractions in a country, or the best holiday destinations, you could create a quiz to help your audience pick the place for their next trip.

WordPress has a few plugins you can use to create a quiz. Once the participants reach the results page, they will see a link to the post you want to revive. 

Turn User Comment Into a FAQ Page or Article

User comments are an excellent resource. Use their questions to create a FAQ page for your website.

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User comments are an excellent resource. They can uncover your audience’s pain points and interests and help you think of new topics for your content. One way to use their comments is to turn them into frequently asked questions you can answer on your website.

You can do so even if you have responded to user queries individually. Doing so will save you a lot of time in the future because it’s highly likely a lot of the questions you get are repetitive. More importantly, this is a way to show your audience that you take their input seriously and try hard to help them in any way you can. 

Make a Slide Deck

Another way to repurpose a lengthy article or podcast is to create a slide deck. They are faster to consume, easily skimmable, and can be incredibly attractive since you can add gifs and images. In addition, a slide deck can quickly become a short video or an automated slideshow.

For example, you may have an in-depth post on content marketing tactics that can help you grow your brand. To repurpose this piece, you can take the most critical information for each tactic and put it on slides. You can use quotes and statistics to demonstrate how vital content marketing is and why it’s necessary to use it to boost your brand. You can also add charts and graphs to illustrate your points further. These charts and graphs can later become social media posts themselves.

After creating a slide deck, you can upload it to Slideshare, Google Slides, or a similar website. They will allow you to embed your slideshow presentation to your blog posts or landing pages.


There are many other ways to repurpose your content and increase the lifespan of your existing blogs, videos, or podcasts. Go over the materials you already have and decide on the best way to transform them into a new format suitable for a different platform and new audience.

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