3 Things Every Small Business Needs to Consider from the Beginning

The number of startups is growing amid the rise of technological advancements. The new wave of tech revolution, led by generative AI, gives more hope to entrepreneurs to establish the next big thing of the future, by becoming an early adopter of these changes. However, although many of these people have amazing ideas and may be good visionaries, not all of them have the expertise in marketing. Sometimes, small businesses conceptualize their idea and move a few steps ahead and all of a sudden, find themselves in a challenging situation because of the gaps they created on their way to success.

Having a well-crafted marketing strategy is crucial for any type of business since it helps to understand your philosophy as a business and the way you are going to work with your segment. This includes profound research about your customers, their demographics, and so on. In other words, many crucial steps need to be taken into account from the very beginning, if you don’t want to have surprising encounters with challenges and downfalls.

Let’s talk about the four most important things that every business should focus on from the start to avoid failing. There are many more businesses that fail than succeed, so doing these things well can help a company grow instead of just staying alive in a tough market.

The importance of a logo

Consider a logo as your business’s public face. A good logo looks nice and also tells people what your brand is like, what it believes in, and what it offers, all in one quick look. And it works very successfully given the fact that the first thing that comes to our minds when talking about a brand it’s the logo.

However, what is effective in one place may be unsuccessful in another. Therefore, it is essential to consider local culture when designing your logo. Different countries have varying associations with colours, symbols, and shapes. A mistake in this area could unintentionally offend or confuse your target audience.

Let us use Australia as an example. The most successful iconic Australian logos frequently reflect the country’s relaxed, outdoor lifestyle and distinctive landscape. They tend to use colours that align with the Australian environment – such as earthy tones, bright blues, and warm yellows. These colours evoke images of sunny beaches, the vast Outback, and clear blue skies.

Symbols that work well in Australian logos often stem from the country’s natural heritage. Native animals, unique plants, and elements of the landscape are all common choices. These symbols tap into a sense of national identity and pride, immediately communicating “Australian” to viewers.

For Australians, successful logos often integrate elements of nature, wildlife, or national symbols. They tend to prefer straightforward, practical designs that mirror the Australian values of honesty and directness. Simplicity is key – overly intricate or pretentious designs often do not resonate with the Australian market.

The value of social media

I don’t think any company would argue against how important social media is these days. But to really understand its power, just think about this: Almost 4.9 billion people were using social media in 2023, and that number is expected to reach 5.8 billion by 2027. Big companies definitely get it and are good at using social media.

Nike, for example, does more than just sell sportswear; they tell stories, inspire people, and build a community. Their Instagram has over 300 million followers, turning it into a powerful tool for selling. In the same way, some fast food places have used X’s (Twitter) funny and clever posts to get millions of followers and shares, which makes their brands even stronger.

But social media is about more than just follower numbers. You can talk directly to customers, get quick feedback, and build relationships like never before. It’s like having a focus group and customer service team combined, always there for you.

Prioritize customer experience

In a time when customers have many choices, giving them a great experience is important. A PwC study says that 73% of people choose what to buy based on how they’re treated. Even more surprising, 65% of customers think how a brand makes them feel is more important than ads. These numbers show how crucial it is to give customers a good experience.

Apple is a great example. They’re successful not just because their products are new and cool, but because customers love how easy and enjoyable it is to use them. From simple designs to helpful in-store support, everything is about the customer. This has made people really like Apple and willing to pay more for their products.

Here are several strategies to enhance customer experience:

  1. Understand your customers: Utilize surveys, analytics, and direct feedback to comprehend your customers’ needs and preferences.
  2. Optimize processes: Streamline interactions for customers by implementing a user-friendly website, efficient checkout, and clear communication channels.
  3. Train your team: Ensure all employees grasp the significance of customer experience and consistently deliver exceptional service.
  4. Provide timely responses: In today’s digital age, customers expect prompt attention. Be prepared to engage across all platforms.

These are only a few suggestions to make the customer experience the best, but there can be so many more ways. At some point, it’s a creative process and sometimes can be done after carefully evaluating how people interact with the brand and what can be improved in that process.


Mikalojus Žalneravičius

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