Top Business Strategies for Thriving in a Volatile Market

Top Business Strategies for Thriving in a Volatile Market
Running a business can be complex. One moment you could be raking in profits, and the next you could be enduring a long, dry spell.

With the highs and lows of doing business, entrepreneurs should remain resilient in the face of all these challenges.

However, this is often easier said than done. In a volatile market, a lot of obstacles can come your way and make it difficult to succeed in the long term.

These situations—ranging from competing with other businesses for market share to worsening economic conditions—are hard to predict and can lead to adverse business outcomes.

That said, what separates a thriving business from a failing one is its ability to ideate and implement sound strategies relevant to current conditions.

If you want your business to thrive in a volatile environment, here are eight useful business strategies you should heavily consider to help you.

1. Leverage Business Financing Options

Many new business owners don’t start with all the necessary capital in their initial stages. They often have to bootstrap or make operational limitations before going all-in on their business idea.

Conversely, businesses may have the capital they need to sustain their operations in the short term, but they could face a sudden downturn due to volatile market conditions, wiping out their existing funds and causing them to enter a more defensive position in the market.

One way to circumvent these financial issues is by utilizing business financing options. These financing options help give you capital to run or sustain your operations. There are many ways you can acquire the funds necessary to expand or sustain your business.

For instance, if you want to act quickly and decisively, you can leverage bank loans, hire purchase agreements, or chattel mortgage agreements to secure a piece of equipment or vehicle faster. You may also consider leasing if you don’t intend to keep the asset in the long term.

These financing options provide you with a quick lump-sum payment (or wallet-friendly repayment schemes) that can help your business thrive in volatile market conditions.

Unsure what financing method to choose for your business? Westpac’s guide gives a more informative breakdown that differentiates these business financing decisions.

2. Use Data to Drive Decision-Making

When doing business in a precarious situation, you’ll have to gather all your hunches and guesswork and throw them out of the window. The number-one most important metric for surviving in business is data.

Data provides quantifiable evidence that can inform decision-making. It comes in various forms, from historic sales numbers to changing market trends. Data gives you deep insight into all these factors and more, and it can also help in various facets of business operations.

By utilizing big data, you can minimize risks and maximize opportunities in the business world. You can utilize data in different ways, like making financial projections, segmenting customers, and making performance metric reports. Data can spell the difference between making an inefficient business decision and a profitable one.

As such, if you don’t have systems in place that gather, analyze, and interpret data yet, you should seriously consider building one. Having a data analytics team or system can help you find gaps in the market that can allow you to thrive in the face of volatile market conditions.

3. Hone in on Your Target Market

Another important strategy businesses should consider to thrive in a volatile market is to niche down and target their customer persona.

Every business owner and marketer knows that you can’t sell to everyone. If you attempt to do so, you may as well be flushing your marketing campaign funds down the sink.

Instead, it’s important that you build an ideal customer persona and always consider them when you’re marketing your product or service.

For instance, if you’re selling a luxury, vegan dishwashing soap, then your target market should be affluent, health-conscious, and environmentally conscious adults. Use historic data metrics to uncover your usual customers and structure your marketing campaigns around these people.

Always aim to stay relevant to these people. By defining and reaching your target market, you can remain ahead of your competitors, sustain a loyal customer base, and grow your business even during economic downturns.

4. Make a Unique Selling Point

If you want to stand out in a competitive market, it’s important to have a strong, unique selling point. Having one can help you resonate with your target audience more easily, helping you stand out against the competition and foster customer loyalty.

To make a unique selling point (or UPS, for short), make a list of the differentiating factors your product or service has over its competitors. Then, see how you can market these differentiating points and angle them in a way that can engage and capture your core audience.

By offering something unique and compelling, you’re allowing your customers to see the value of your product or service even in declining economic conditions. This can be enough to help your business remain stable and even grow during these times.

5. Push Out Alternative Products

If your current catalog of products or services is experiencing a slowdown in sales, even with bolstered marketing efforts, it may be time to pivot.

Customer needs can change over time. What may be trendy one day could be undesirable the next. As such, it’s important to stay aware of evolving customer standards and emerging trends so that you can capitalize on these things.

For instance, if you specialize in fruit shakes and find that banana and avocado variants aren’t generating enough sales, then you can consider adding other fruits to the mix, like strawberries or pineapple. Conversely, you can consider switching things up and mixing two different flavors.

It’s important that you make your decision based on historical data and backed-up research. Furthermore, avoid spending all your capital on the project in one go. In doing so, you’ll minimize losses and have a higher chance of succeeding in your diversification efforts.

6. Uphold High Product/Service Quality

No matter how dynamic a market becomes, all consumers want one guarantee: an exceptional product or service. As such, it’s important that you maintain a consistently high-quality control process in all steps of the manufacturing and delivery processes.

Always see to it that your product or service is made and delivered flawlessly.

Form a quality-control team to oversee the products being pushed out and make a standard operating procedure that systematized what can be launched to the public and what needs to be scrapped.

Delivering high-quality products helps solidify your reputation and makes your business a trusted and preferred choice for consumers, especially during declining market conditions where people have tighter spending behaviour.

7. Adapt to Changing Market Conditions

The worst thing a business owner can do is remain stagnant in the face of changing market conditions.

Look at the taxi and physical CD industries. They were once pioneers in their industry but have now fallen flat on their faces due to new disruptors emerging from the shadows.

Adaptability is critical to success, especially in volatile market conditions.

To remain on top, businesses have to constantly adapt and respond to these changing conditions. The ones who do so at a rapid pace tend to be the ones who score the most opportunities in the field.

As such, be an entrepreneur who embraces change. Explore alternative business options with a moderate approach. Be agile and responsive. When the world and economy start to change, be sure to change and capitalize alongside it.

8. Network With Partners and Suppliers

A famous saying goes, “It’s lonely being at the top”. But in reality, it doesn’t have to be. Nor it shouldn’t!

Amidst volatile market conditions, entrepreneurs should strive to build and nurture strong relationships with various stakeholders. This includes their suppliers and fellow business partners.

Collaborating with these people can help you score on cost-saving and sales-generating opportunities. For instance, you could allocate resources more efficiently, innovate more rapidly, or even help each other generate more sales.

By joining forces, you can also gain access to new opportunities and insights, which can help you grow your business and navigate volatile market conditions. This can be the crucial factor that allows you to navigate volatile conditions more effectively.


Author:  Rebecca Lee

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